
June 30, 2023


Maksymilian Rybicki

How to effectively create campaigns on Facebook?

With over 2 billion active users worldwide, Facebook is undeniably one of the key players in the world of digital marketing. In the age of dynamic digitization, when your brand can engage directly with the consumer, effectively utilizing platforms like Facebook becomes not just an opportunity, but a necessity.

Swedish Lake. Study (1853)
Marcus Larson (Swedish, 1825 – 1864)

Marcus Larson (Swedish, 1825 – 1864)


Marcus Larson (Swedish, 1825 – 1864)

Marcus Larson (Swedish, 1825 – 1864)


A single glance at the extensive tools and capabilities offered by Facebook is enough to understand that effective advertising on this platform is more than just clicking "promote post". This article is a guide that will help you understand and effectively harness the power of paid advertising on Facebook, starting from the basics to advanced techniques that will give you an edge over the competition.

Understanding the different types of ads on Facebook

The first step in creating an effective advertising campaign on Facebook is understanding the types of ads available. Facebook offers several different types, each with its unique properties and benefits:

  • Redirect ads: These ads redirect users directly to your website. If you operate an e-store, this type of ad will allow you to direct potential customers straight to the product page, increasing the likelihood of completing a purchase.

  • Video ads: Video ads are an excellent tool to engage audiences and showcase your brand attractively. For example, a clothing brand can create a short video showcasing a new collection of clothing in a dynamic fashion show.

  • Dynamic ads: Dynamic ads automatically promote products from your catalog, tailoring the offer to user behaviors. For example, if a customer visited product X on your site but did not make a purchase, a dynamic ad will "remind" them of that product by showing it in their newsfeed.

  • Collection ads: Collection ads are a great solution for online stores. They allow you to showcase multiple products in a single post, enabling the customer to see various options without having to visit the store's website.

Creating a target audience

Equally important as choosing the right type of ad is reaching the right target audience. Imagine you own a store selling products for runners. Will targeting a running shoe ad to someone who is interested in chess and is not interested in outdoor sports yield the expected results? Probably not.

That’s why Facebook offers many targeting options that allow you to precisely match the ad to the audience. You can target specific demographics, locations, interests, behaviors, and even create custom and lookalike audiences.

For example, a jewelry store might target its ads to women aged 20-35 who have shown an interest in fashion. A travel agency offering luxury trips might target its ads to people who have recently purchased luxury goods, indicating a higher socioeconomic status.

Setting budget and schedule

Setting a budget is a crucial element of any campaign. Facebook allows you to set a daily or total budget. The daily budget is the amount you are willing to spend each day on the campaign. The total budget is the amount you want to spend on the entire campaign.

A schedule allows you to define when your ads will be displayed. This way, you can, for example, target your ad to students during their breaks between classes.

Remember, testing different settings and optimizing based on results is key.

Designing attractive creative ads

Designing an attractive, creative ad is a real challenge. It must grab the audience's attention, engage them, and persuade them to take a specific action, such as visiting the website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase.

Utilize strong, engaging images, short and precise texts, and always include a call-to-action (CTA). For example, if you run a jewelry store, take beautiful photos of your products and add a short but convincing description - e.g., "Discover our new collection of rings. Click 'Buy now' and feel the magic of luxury".

Remember, what works for one brand may not work for another. Test different variations, analyze the results, and optimize.

Analyzing results and optimization

Achieving success in advertising on Facebook requires not only careful planning and execution, but also continuous monitoring and optimization. Facebook provides a suite of tools for analyzing results that help you understand which elements of your campaign work best and which need improvement.

Essential metrics include number of impressions, click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), conversions, and return on investment (ROI). These metrics will give you insights into how effectively your ads grab attention, engage users, and lead to desired actions.

For instance, if you notice that your ad generates a lot of impressions but few users clicked on it, you might need to improve its design or choose more precise targeting. On the other hand, if your ad generates many clicks but few conversions, the problem may lie on the landing page side, not the ad itself.

Using A/B testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool that allows you to compare the effectiveness of different ad variations, target groups, and other campaign elements. With it, you can check, for example, whether an ad with text A generates more clicks than an ad with text B, or whether image 1 attracts more attention than image 2. An example could be two different ads promoting the same product, where one uses a humorous tone and the other opts for a more professional tone - A/B testing will help you understand which resonates better with your target audience.

Using advanced features of Ads Manager

The Facebook Ads Manager offers many advanced features that can help you increase the effectiveness of your campaigns. Among them, you will find features such as automatic optimizations, tools for creating custom audiences, lookalike audiences, etc.

For instance, by using custom audiences, you can target ads to people who visited your website in the last 30 days but did not make a purchase. This way, your ad will be more focused on a group that has already shown interest in your products or services.

Creating effective advertising campaigns on Facebook is a complicated and time-consuming task. It demands not only a deep understanding of the tools offered by the platform but also data analysis skills, creative thinking, and continuous optimization.

For many businesses, the decision to entrust Facebook advertising campaigns to marketing agencies has become an obvious choice. It is understandable that, as business owners, they deal with their core responsibilities, which require full commitment and time. Therefore, many businesses opt to hand over the management of their advertising campaigns to specialists from marketing agencies.

As research conducted by Socialbakers shows, in 2020, over 40% of all Facebook ads were managed by marketing agencies. This means that almost half of the companies using Facebook as a promotion channel trusted external experts to plan, execute, and evaluate their campaigns. Among the industries that most frequently used marketing agencies were e-commerce, education, finance, tourism, and health.

Outsourcing paid campaigns on Facebook to marketing agencies has several advantages. Firstly, agencies possess specialized knowledge and skills that allow them to create attractive and effective ads tailored to the client’s goals and expectations. Secondly, agencies have access to advanced analytical and reporting tools that enable them to monitor and measure campaign results, as well as make necessary adjustments and tests. Thirdly, agencies can ensure continuity and consistency in Facebook advertising efforts, which is crucial for building trust and loyalty among the audience.

So, if you want to harness the potential of Facebook as an advertising platform but do not have the time or expertise to manage paid campaigns on this platform yourself, it is worth considering collaboration with a professional marketing agency. Such an agency can help you achieve better results at a lower cost, as well as save you time and stress associated with managing Facebook ads.


June 30, 2023


Maksymilian Rybicki

How to effectively create campaigns on Facebook?

With over 2 billion active users worldwide, Facebook is undeniably one of the key players in the world of digital marketing. In the age of dynamic digitization, when your brand can engage directly with the consumer, effectively utilizing platforms like Facebook becomes not just an opportunity, but a necessity.

Swedish Lake. Study (1853)
Marcus Larson (Swedish, 1825 – 1864)

Marcus Larson (Swedish, 1825 – 1864)


A single glance at the extensive tools and capabilities offered by Facebook is enough to understand that effective advertising on this platform is more than just clicking "promote post". This article is a guide that will help you understand and effectively harness the power of paid advertising on Facebook, starting from the basics to advanced techniques that will give you an edge over the competition.

Understanding the different types of ads on Facebook

The first step in creating an effective advertising campaign on Facebook is understanding the types of ads available. Facebook offers several different types, each with its unique properties and benefits:

  • Redirect ads: These ads redirect users directly to your website. If you operate an e-store, this type of ad will allow you to direct potential customers straight to the product page, increasing the likelihood of completing a purchase.

  • Video ads: Video ads are an excellent tool to engage audiences and showcase your brand attractively. For example, a clothing brand can create a short video showcasing a new collection of clothing in a dynamic fashion show.

  • Dynamic ads: Dynamic ads automatically promote products from your catalog, tailoring the offer to user behaviors. For example, if a customer visited product X on your site but did not make a purchase, a dynamic ad will "remind" them of that product by showing it in their newsfeed.

  • Collection ads: Collection ads are a great solution for online stores. They allow you to showcase multiple products in a single post, enabling the customer to see various options without having to visit the store's website.

Creating a target audience

Equally important as choosing the right type of ad is reaching the right target audience. Imagine you own a store selling products for runners. Will targeting a running shoe ad to someone who is interested in chess and is not interested in outdoor sports yield the expected results? Probably not.

That’s why Facebook offers many targeting options that allow you to precisely match the ad to the audience. You can target specific demographics, locations, interests, behaviors, and even create custom and lookalike audiences.

For example, a jewelry store might target its ads to women aged 20-35 who have shown an interest in fashion. A travel agency offering luxury trips might target its ads to people who have recently purchased luxury goods, indicating a higher socioeconomic status.

Setting budget and schedule

Setting a budget is a crucial element of any campaign. Facebook allows you to set a daily or total budget. The daily budget is the amount you are willing to spend each day on the campaign. The total budget is the amount you want to spend on the entire campaign.

A schedule allows you to define when your ads will be displayed. This way, you can, for example, target your ad to students during their breaks between classes.

Remember, testing different settings and optimizing based on results is key.

Designing attractive creative ads

Designing an attractive, creative ad is a real challenge. It must grab the audience's attention, engage them, and persuade them to take a specific action, such as visiting the website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase.

Utilize strong, engaging images, short and precise texts, and always include a call-to-action (CTA). For example, if you run a jewelry store, take beautiful photos of your products and add a short but convincing description - e.g., "Discover our new collection of rings. Click 'Buy now' and feel the magic of luxury".

Remember, what works for one brand may not work for another. Test different variations, analyze the results, and optimize.

Analyzing results and optimization

Achieving success in advertising on Facebook requires not only careful planning and execution, but also continuous monitoring and optimization. Facebook provides a suite of tools for analyzing results that help you understand which elements of your campaign work best and which need improvement.

Essential metrics include number of impressions, click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), conversions, and return on investment (ROI). These metrics will give you insights into how effectively your ads grab attention, engage users, and lead to desired actions.

For instance, if you notice that your ad generates a lot of impressions but few users clicked on it, you might need to improve its design or choose more precise targeting. On the other hand, if your ad generates many clicks but few conversions, the problem may lie on the landing page side, not the ad itself.

Using A/B testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool that allows you to compare the effectiveness of different ad variations, target groups, and other campaign elements. With it, you can check, for example, whether an ad with text A generates more clicks than an ad with text B, or whether image 1 attracts more attention than image 2. An example could be two different ads promoting the same product, where one uses a humorous tone and the other opts for a more professional tone - A/B testing will help you understand which resonates better with your target audience.

Using advanced features of Ads Manager

The Facebook Ads Manager offers many advanced features that can help you increase the effectiveness of your campaigns. Among them, you will find features such as automatic optimizations, tools for creating custom audiences, lookalike audiences, etc.

For instance, by using custom audiences, you can target ads to people who visited your website in the last 30 days but did not make a purchase. This way, your ad will be more focused on a group that has already shown interest in your products or services.

Creating effective advertising campaigns on Facebook is a complicated and time-consuming task. It demands not only a deep understanding of the tools offered by the platform but also data analysis skills, creative thinking, and continuous optimization.

For many businesses, the decision to entrust Facebook advertising campaigns to marketing agencies has become an obvious choice. It is understandable that, as business owners, they deal with their core responsibilities, which require full commitment and time. Therefore, many businesses opt to hand over the management of their advertising campaigns to specialists from marketing agencies.

As research conducted by Socialbakers shows, in 2020, over 40% of all Facebook ads were managed by marketing agencies. This means that almost half of the companies using Facebook as a promotion channel trusted external experts to plan, execute, and evaluate their campaigns. Among the industries that most frequently used marketing agencies were e-commerce, education, finance, tourism, and health.

Outsourcing paid campaigns on Facebook to marketing agencies has several advantages. Firstly, agencies possess specialized knowledge and skills that allow them to create attractive and effective ads tailored to the client’s goals and expectations. Secondly, agencies have access to advanced analytical and reporting tools that enable them to monitor and measure campaign results, as well as make necessary adjustments and tests. Thirdly, agencies can ensure continuity and consistency in Facebook advertising efforts, which is crucial for building trust and loyalty among the audience.

So, if you want to harness the potential of Facebook as an advertising platform but do not have the time or expertise to manage paid campaigns on this platform yourself, it is worth considering collaboration with a professional marketing agency. Such an agency can help you achieve better results at a lower cost, as well as save you time and stress associated with managing Facebook ads.

At Byrå Studio®, we create not only aesthetics but also intelligent solutions that optimize your digital strategies, transforming creative visions into measurable results. Our approach is a symbiosis of beauty and functionality, ensuring that every aspect of your online presence is as carefully considered as it is intriguing.

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Made by Byrå © 2024

At Byrå Studio®, we create not only aesthetics but also intelligent solutions that optimize your digital strategies, transforming creative visions into measurable results. Our approach is a symbiosis of beauty and functionality, ensuring that every aspect of your online presence is as carefully considered as it is intriguing.

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Made by Byrå © 2024

At Byrå Studio®, we create not only aesthetics but also intelligent solutions that optimize your digital strategies, transforming creative visions into measurable results. Our approach is a symbiosis of beauty and functionality, ensuring that every aspect of your online presence is as carefully considered as it is intriguing.

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Made by Byrå © 2024